Coming to a e-book store near you, Hostage of the Heart.
   A tale told about a soldier battling the corruption of his platoon betrayed by their sergeant. Charlie Wilson must suffer the torments of his captors, struggle with his nightmares of betrayal and the feeling of desertion by his country before he can go home.
   It is his need for revenge that holds his heart hostage. Even after Buddha monks rescue him from the labor camp, Charlie is forced to abandon the monastery he had called home; for a country that had forgotten him.
   Waylaid by a Mexican family who is terrorized by a biker gang led by his ex-sergeant, Charlie is stopped at the border. Charlie rescues and falls in love with the beautiful Maria and her children. It is through this love and the realization that revenge would have cost him more than he could have afforded; he is no longer held hostage by his nightmares. Only when his country recognizes Charlie’s sacrifices is he truly free and able to go home.

I promise more to come when my editor finishs straightening out the mess that is my manucript.

    Leaping Tiger Books

    Willow May Jennings

    I’m a blind writer. I write chick lititure and that’s why I use a pen name; To protect my reputation as a southern redneck. I can’t have the good old boys at the coffee shop learn I write chick lit.

    Tomas O. Black


    April 2013
    March 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013

